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Fake Food Series: Clown Show Continues With Mammoth Meatball

Lately, not a single day passes without us hearing about another sensational clown show act. Here is the newest one for you... Nope, it's not about the pronouns. We are one more GIANT step closer to "saving the planet."


This lab grown meatball is unusually big. Close to 14 oz. I guess since mammoths were big, the meatball has to be big too, for the right effect! And the price tag is mammoth size too. One million Dollars per oz. This meatball costs 15 million US Dollars. A slap in the face! I guess the inflation has pushed the price up mammoth size.

Now To The Big Clown Show!

The deep frozen remains of the extinct Ice Age giants, the Woolly mammoth are regularly found in Arctic permafrost. The still intact tissue has allowed scientists to sequence the mammoth genome.

An Australian "cultured" meat startup, Vow, is using the publicly available mammoth DNA information (not the actual mammoth cells) to grow an approximation of mammoth meat in a lab and calls the perverted end product "mammoth meatball." The team was eventually able to produce about 400 grams of this junk. They just got $15 million to make it happen. WOW! Money well spent...

This wacky publicity stunt is nothing more than a BIG LIE! This lab-grown (artificial) lamb meat is mingled with a tiny amount of mammoth DNA. The charlatans calling themselves scientist (probably with prestigious diplomas to boot) did not even have a frozen stash of mammoth tissue to extract the DNA. Instead, they downloaded the DNA sequence for the mammoth version from a publicly available genome database. The mammoth DNA was inserted into sheep cells, which were then cultured in a lab.

“From a genomic point of view, it’s only one gene that is mammoth among 25,000 sheep genes,” said Ernst Wolvetang, a professor at the University of Queensland said. He was part of this money wasting project.

The Vow company's goal, as stated in their mission statement is to make eating "cultured" (meaning lab produced fake) meat normal, and eating habits more planet friendly. These futuristic Wizard of Oz characters are doing the rethinking on our behalf and without our consensus how we get our food and what we should eat. Go figure.

Nevertheless, the company is not selling the product at the present time as they have no idea about the safety profile of this product. Vow hopes to soon get regulatory approval in Singapore to sell lab-made quail meat it has developed.

The Great Deception: Climate Crisis

Advocates of this and other similar projects hope cultured meat will reduce the need to slaughter animals for food and help fight the "non-existent" climate crisis. These characters claim that animal agriculture is responsible for about a third of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Who are they trying to fool?

This is utter nonsense. Let's debunk this climate change claim caused by livestock, shall we?

First things first. According to EPA, the largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions from human activities in the US in 2019 was from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.

Greenhouse-Gas (CO2) Emissions From Agriculture

Only 10 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions came from agriculture – this number is the combined amount from livestock production, agricultural soils, and rice production.

  • Half of the emissions come from "Agricultural soils" (5 % of the total emissions in the US):

According to EPA data, various agricultural soil management practices such as application of fertilizers, the growth of nitrogen-fixing crops, the drainage of organic soils, and irrigation accounts for half of the greenhouse gas emissions from the Agriculture economic sector.

  • A quarter of the emissions come from "Livestock production" (2.5 % of the total emissions in the US):

Livestock such as cattle, produce methane (CH4) as part of their normal digestive processes. According to EPA data, this process represents a quarter of the emissions from the Agriculture economic sector.

Concluding Facts on Greenhouse-Gas Emissions From Agriculture

In 2019, livestock production accounted to a mere 2.5 % of the total CO2 production in the USA. While livestock production is evidently one of the contributors to over all greenhouse-gas emissions in the country, with only 2.5 %, livestock's contribution is definitely negligible compared to energy production, transportation and industrial and commercial activity (over 85 %).

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