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God's Wonderful Gift To Us: Structured Water

Structured water molecule under microscope

The practice of bottling and selling drinking water has a long history in America. Americans now drink, by volume, more bottled water than any other packaged beverage. And that is rightfully so, considering all of the chemicals that are found in tap water throughout the United States.

It's hard to untangle how much of bottled water's success in recent years is due to clever marketing and "manufactured demand," and how much of it is driven by shifting consumer preferences. Health concerns, the desire for status symbols (Perrier, Evian), the lure of convenience, and, yes, lots and lots of energetic marketing—all play a role.

Have you ever preferred one bottled water over another because of the taste? Do you think bottled water tastes different?

Majority of the people seem to think that all bottled water taste different. That is correct. The taste of water can vary almost as much as wine. When people say, ‘oh, it’s all the same,’ that’s not really correct.

So what determines the flavor of the water in the bottle?

Popular bottled waters sourced from across the USA

It’s all due to a variety of soluble ingredients, minerals and other compounds that the water naturally picks up on its journey as it flows through the ground, through rivers and pipes. All the soluble ingredients subtly contribute to its unique flavor. For comparison, water that’s been distilled to remove anything dissolved in it —the water you use in your steam iron— tastes “totally boring, like nothing, dry in your mouth.”

As every brand is sourced from a different region, each one contains a unique variety of different soluble ingredients, sometimes tasting slightly mineral, chalky or sulfuric. Water bottled from mountain springs, like that from wells, can be packed with minerals that alter its flavor. Calcium makes water taste milky and smooth, magnesium can be bitter, and sodium makes it taste salty.

Furthermore, every brand is processed and filtered differently. Industrially sourced and bottled water is commonly compressed in pipelines, mechanically pressured through filters, and exposed to temperature fluctuations, vibration and noise pollution during long distance transportation to stores. All that effects not only the taste negatively, but destroys the structure of the water molecules.

What Is Structured Water?

Structured water is the arrangement of water molecules inspired by nature. The tornado like swirling motion of the water reflects the natural flow of a flowing river - restoring the inherent structure of the water molecules in the process of swirling movement.

After a long cooped-up journey compressed in pipelines, the vortex like swirling motion increases infusion of fresh oxygen in (aeration) and accelerates the evaporation of volatile compounds (such as chlorine) out of the water. This swirling motion also impacts the pH level (due to escaping CO2 and chlorine), taste, and feel of your water, returning it to its natural sweet, silky mouth feel, and healthy equilibrium.

Since 7+ years, my husband has been structuring our water daily, I find myself drinking more 30-40% more water. Structuring makes the "reverse osmosis filtered" drinking water taste soooooo great, that I can not drink unstructured water regardless of being bottled or from a water dispenser.

The benefits of structured water are countless. It aids in healing the entire body, helps to revitalize cells, and hydrates the body five times faster. Structured water is also great for plants. It promotes lusher faster growth.

True fact: When I place a regular bottled water in a bowl next to a bowl of structured water, all my pets ALWAYS pick the structured one. They instinctively know for sure what they prefer and need.

This is how my husband structures the water every morning since 7+ years.

Step 1

For this first step, you need two empty (disinfected) pet bottles of same size and a so-called tornado tube bottle connector.

We store our structured water in glass bottles. You can get your beautiful looking and robust glass bottles from ALDI. The French lemonades come in old school robust glass bottles with ceramic caps. Note that the economic, yet fancy bottled lemonade is NOT ketogenic, but the bottle is free. So, you can dump the lemonade without feeling bad. ;)

Step 2

You do not need to follow this step, yet since you may want to fill the above mentioned glass bottles with a funnel for refrigeration, you might as well structure the already pre-structured water by runnin it through glass marbles.

This is how my husband fills the structured water into the glass bottles: with a glass marble filled funnel like demonstrated in the below video.

Lastly, why you should avoid drinking tap water?

While we are all aware of some of the chemicals that are often found in tap water throughout the United States, you’d most likely be shocked to learn just how many contaminants may actually be present.

While 91 pollutants are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that more than 60,000 chemicals are used within the United States.

Further, an analysis of 20 million tap water quality tests performed by the Environmental Working Group found a total of 316 contaminants in water supplied to the public.

The long-term health effects of chronic exposure to trace elements and contaminants commonly found in tap water have yet to be fully determined. In the meantime, we need to be aware of what’s in our water supply and be proactive about drinking safe water as much as possible.

Common chemicals typically found in tap water in the USA

  1. Chlorine - Chlorine is added to drinking water by many municipal water systems as a purification technique. However, it can be absorbed through physical consumption and through your skin while bathing.

  2. Fluoride - Fluoride has been added to tap water for decades to help reduce tooth decay. However, it can be harmful to our health since it’s a neurotoxin and an endocrine disruptor.

  3. Herbicides - Herbicides enter drinking water by accumulation in public soil and water sources, most frequently from rainfall and irrigation that wash herbicides off farmlands and into lakes and rivers.

  4. Lead - Lead is a heavy metal that is often found in public drinking water as a result of corrosion of household plumbing systems and erosion of natural deposits. The amount of lead found in water will depend on factors such as how long the water is exposed to the pipes and the degree of corrosion on the pipes.

  5. Mercury - Another heavy metal, mercury can be found in various natural deposits. It can get into public drinking water in a number of ways, including discharge from refineries and factories, landfill runoff and cropland runoff.

  6. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) - MTBE is used in gasoline to reduce carbon monoxide and ozone levels from auto emissions. A few ways it can get into water are by leaking out of underground storage tanks, pipelines, and spills.

  7. Nitrates - Nitrates occur naturally in plants and soil at low levels. However, they’ve become a common contaminant in water partially due to their use as a fertilizer. Runoff from factory farms flows into surface and groundwater and ends up in drinking water.

  8. Perchlorate - This widespread toxic chemical, used in rocket fuel, explosives, and road flares, has been detected in the water in many states.

  9. Pharmaceuticals

A little more information on God's wonder

I hope that this information will inspire you to drink more water.


Chef J9 (Chef Janine)


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