Kombucha is a great tasting, low in sugar beverage produced by fermentation of kombucha mushroom in sweet tea. It’s the combination of both probiotic power and amazing acidity that gives kombucha its sought-after properties. Each time you chose to drink kombucha, you will re-stock your gut with millions of the little good guys with every sip.

The fermentation process resulting from the symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) convert the added sugar first into alcohol, then into acetic acids and a range of other acids. The acetic acid has a range of benefits including alkalizing the body, killing off harmful bacteria and fungi, and aiding digestion.

SCOBY is formed at the end of each kombucha fermentation process. Most home brewers remove the scoby, as it tastes and feels pretty unpleasant to swallow! Much of the beneficial bacteria and yeast remain in the beverage after scoby is removed. Kombucha can also be carbonated.
While more research is needed, it seems like the sky’s the limit when it comes to the potential health benefits of kombucha.
Benefits of Kombucha
1. Kombucha has liver-supporting detoxifying properties
The liver is your first line of defense against chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins in your body. The active digestive enzymes contained in kombucha, along with the naturally-occurring acids help your liver to filter out the toxins out of your body. Kombucha has also anti-oxidative and detoxification effects on the liver hepatotoxicity. Here are two papers you may want to read on this topic: 2013 article and study.
2. Kombucha provides enzymes and bacterial acids
Kombucha helps your pancreas by providing many enzymes and bacterial acids your body needs to both detoxify and break down food.
3. Kombucha is loaded with glucuronic acid
One of the most important ingredients in kombucha is glucuronic acid. This acid plays a critical role in detoxification of the body and preventation of cancer. This is a compound binds to toxins and enables your kidneys and intestines to excrete toxins more efficiently. More efficient excretion means less toxic waste floating around inside your body!
4. Kombucha is loaded with vitamin C
vitamin C is a critical antioxidant and detoxifier important to your body. More vitamin C means fewer toxins in your system!
5. Kombucha supports gut health and digestion
As a powerful probiotic, kombucha contains high levels of beneficial bacteria and yeast cultures which colonize your gut and support healthy digestion. Gluconacetobacter species made up the majority of the bacteria contingent, comprising an estimated 85 percent of all bacteria in kombucha. Small amounts of Lactobacillus and Acetobacter strains made up the remainder of the bacteria group.
6. Kombucha enhances the absorption of vitamins and minerals
The acids and digestive enzymes contained in kombucha dramatically increase the number of nutrients you absorb from foods.
7. Kombucha improves your digestive capacity, improves mood and supports a healthy nervous system
Kombucha improves the number and type of gut flora in your digestive tract, and improves gut-brain connection, reducing negative emotions, like depression and anxiety. See this Study for more information on the positive effects of kombucha on your mood.
Kombucha contains high concentrations of vitamin B12, an antioxidant clinically proven to support healthy nervous system function.
It also prevents the development of digestive issues like gas, bloating and constipation.
8. Kombucha inhibits starch hydrolysis
Eating too many carbohydrates like bread, pasta or baked goods can lead to rapid weight gain. The compounds in kombucha reduce the blood sugar spikes caused by excess carbohydrate and sugar consumption. This, in turn, can reduce your risk of putting on weight. See this Study for more information.
9. Kombucha is a powerful anti-microbial agent
Kombucha exerts antimicrobial activity against E. coli, Shigella species, multiple Salmonella species and Campylobacter, thanks to its high concentrations of acetic and organic acids, along with a range of enzymes, proteins and bacterial agents. See this Study for more information.
10. Kombucha has strong anti-fungal benefits
It also prevents pathogenic bacterial infection. The antimicrobial effects of kombucha are greater when it is made with green tea, as opposed to black tea. See this Study for more information.
11. Kombucha slows the aging process
Studies have shown a notable decrease in common markers of aging with regular kombucha consumption. Your cells die-off (aging) through the process of oxidation caused by free radicals. Antioxidants in kombucha fight the activity of free radicals, contributing to fewer wrinkles and more supple skin, and leading to younger skin. See this Study for more information.
12. Kombucha contains glucosamines
Regular consumption can help to treat and prevent the development of rheumatoid arthritis and other joint conditions. See this Study for more information.
13. Kombucha helps combating sugar dependence
Candida is a parasitic yeast which resides in your intestines and feeds off the sugar in your food. Kombucha has scientifically proven anti-candida effects. If you’ve got a serious sweet tooth, kombucha is the way to go! See this Study for more information.
14. Kombucha helps preventing diabetes
Kombucha has strong anti-diabetic effects, and is a functional supplement for the treatment and prevention of diabetes as shown by multiple peer-reviewed studies. See this Study for more information.
15. Kombucha helps fight cancer
Researchers found that by fractionating kombucha tea with ethyl acetate, they were able to directly quantify the way in which kombucha acted upon cancerous cells. Many people stand behind the claim that kombucha is an effective natural remedy against cancer. A number of studies seem to agree with this. Researchers found that kombucha could cause a cytotoxic (toxic to cancer cells) effect on tumorous cells, reduce the activity of other cancerous cells, and reduce cell invasion and cell motility. See this Study for more information.