Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable which considered to be a "superfood" due to its truly great healthy attributes. It is a key component of ketogenic recipes, used as a great substitute for carby foods such as rice and potatoes.

Chef Janine of COMFORT KETO uses cauliflower creatively as a side dish in our perfectly ketogenic menus. She pan fries, steams, roasts or sautés the cauliflower. Here are some examples of how we use cauliflower in place of grains and legumes in our COMFORT KETO recipes:
Cauliflower Mexican rice
Cauliflower Augratin
Cauliflower risotto
Cauliflower sushi rice
Cauliflower mash
Cauliflower hummus
Fauxtato salad
Steamed cauliflower salad with olive oil
Cauliflower mac and cheese
Here Are a Few Things You Probably Didn't Know About This Vegetable.
Cauliflower is part of the brassica family, which includes Brussels sprouts, kale, and broccoli. All these vegetables were domesticated from the wild cabbage.
The head of an average sized cauliflower weighs about one pound. Yet, in 2014, the largest cauliflower ever weighed over 60 pounds and was six feet wide.
The head of the cauliflower is actually an undeveloped flower protected from sunlight by thick leaves. If not for these thick leaves, the production of chlorophyll would make cauliflower inedible.
The green variety of cauliflower, aka broccoflower, looks fascinating. It grows in a spiral cone shape that's repeated, getting smaller and smaller.
Cauliflower replaces all carby "grains" and "legumes" in our low-carb / ketogenic recipes.

Cauliflower Is an Extremely Healthy Source of Nutrients!
Cauliflower contains unique plant compounds that may reduce the risk of several diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Additionally, it’s weight loss friendly and quite essential in your ketogenic diet.

Cauliflower is high in vitamins. In fact, cauliflower contains some of almost every vitamin and mineral that you need.
As a source of vitamin C, cauliflower assists in preventing upper respiratory tract infections, and increases calcium absorption, boosting bone health.
Cauliflower’s vitamin K benefits include the prevention of internal bleeding and the reduction of sugar levels in the body.
Cauliflower is low in calories.
Cauliflower contains 3 grams of fiber in one cup of cauliflower, which is 10% of your daily need. It is high in fiber and water — these properties ...
are important for digestive health,
may reduce the risk of several chronic diseases, and
may assist in weight loss.
Cauliflower provides a significant amount of antioxidants, which are beneficial for reducing inflammation and protecting against several chronic diseases.
Cauliflower is particularly high in glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, two groups of antioxidants that have been shown to slow the growth of cancer cells.
Cauliflower contains carotenoid and flavonoid antioxidants which have anti-cancer effects and may reduce the risk of several other illnesses, including heart disease.
Cauliflower contains high amounts of vitamin C, which is well-known for its anti-inflammatory effects that boosts immune health and reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Cauliflower is a great source of sulforaphane, a compound that attacks cancer cells and slows the growth of tumors. However, sulforaphane is a byproduct of an enzymatic process that only occurs in raw cauliflower -Remember: cooking kills the enzymes.
Cauliflower is a good source of choline, a nutrient many people are lacking. Choline is involved in many processes in the body and works to prevent several diseases.
Bon Appétit
Chef Janine
One Cautionary Note About Cauliflower
Cauliflower contains high concentrations of purines which are used in the body's cells. When cells die, excess purines get metabolized into uric acid. This is for most healthy people no big deal since their kidneys remove the excess. However, for some people, excess uric acid generates crystal deposits of "gout" in the joints, tendons, and organs, which may cause pain.