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Which Oils Are You To Avoid? Corn, Soy, Canola, Grapeseed, Cottonseed, Margarine

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

A growing body of research has repeatedly presented several dietary culprits as possible explanations for the rapidly rising rates of chronic disease in industrialized nations, including sugar. However, one commonly consumed food found in the diets of millions has received surprisingly little attention—industrial seed oils.

Contrary to what you’ve been told, industrial seed oils such as safflower, soy, grapeseed, rice bran, canola (rapeseed), and cottonseed oils as well as the solid margarine are not “heart healthy” or otherwise beneficial for your bodies and brains.

In fact, plenty of research indicates that these oils are making you sick!

All the industrially produced "oils" are unnatural (they do not exist in the nature in the form they are sold in the markets), are extremely inflammatory and are detected by the human body as "unwanted foreign material." Ironically the food industry pushed these profitable SEED OILS and the solid margarine made out of these oils as “healthy and heart protective” replacement for animal fats.

How did these toxic industrial byproducts end up on our plates?

Industrial seed oils are industrial byproducts and were originally used in the candle and soap production processes. So how did these toxic industrial byproducts end up on our plates? First, the discovery of petroleum and wide use of electricity killed "Proctor & Gamble"s candle business. While the cottonseed oil was used in the interim for the soap industry, the enterprising Procter & Gamble soon realized that all that unwanted cottonseed oil could be chemically altered via a process called “hydrogenation”. That’s how the vegetable oil formerly classified as “toxic waste” became an integral part of the American diet when Crisco was introduced to the market in the early 1900s.

Soon, other vegetable oils followed. Soybeans were introduced to the United States in the 1930s, and by the 1950s, it had become the most popular vegetable oil in the country. Canola, corn, and safflower oils followed shortly after that. The low cost of these cooking oils, combined with strategic marketing on the part of the oil manufacturers, made them wildly popular in American kitchens even though their use was unprecedented in human history. Rest is the tragic history of public health.

Today, the most commonly consumed vegetable oil in the U.S. is PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED SOYBEAN OIL. Most people don’t have a clue that they’re eating these toxic, artificially produced oils, as almost ALL processed foods, from baked goods to peanut butter to potato chips are cooked with these harmful oils.

For example, the "I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S NOT BUTTER" branded margarine is made out of mostly soy bean oil. And you won't believe all the sh.t that’s in this stuff.

How Are Industrial Seed Oils Made?

The general process used to create industrial seed oils is anything but natural. The oils extracted from soybeans, corn, cottonseed, safflower seeds, and rapeseeds must be refined, bleached, and deodorized before they are suitable for human consumption.

  1. First, seeds are gathered from the soy, corn, cotton, safflower, and rapeseed plants.

  2. Next, the seeds are heated to extremely high temperatures; this causes the unsaturated fatty acids in the seeds to oxidize, creating byproducts that are harmful to human and animal health.

  3. The seeds are then processed with a petroleum-based solvent, such as hexane, to maximize the amount of oil extracted from them.

  4. Next, industrial seed oil manufacturers use chemicals to deodorize the oils, which have a very off-putting smell once extracted. The deodorization process produces trans fats, which are well known to be quite harmful to human health.

  5. Finally, more chemicals are added to improve the color of the industrial seed oils.

Altogether, industrial seed oil processing creates an energy-dense, nutrient-poor oil that contains chemical residues, trans fats, and oxidized byproducts.

The learn more, please consider listening to this podcast (proceed to 20th minute timestamp):

What's the harm?

The seed oils contain high quantities of OMEGA-6 FATS. Most of the Omega-6 fats that people eating are linoleic acid. The increased vegetable oil consumption has changed the fatty acid composition of our body. The linoleic acid …

• is prone to oxidation,

• gets incorporated into our cell membranes and body fat stores,

• increases the risk of heart disease,

• damages your DNA molecules,

• thereby increases your risk of cancer.

Frying or baking with these oils can be a serious health concern because high heat produces fumes and compounds that can be carcinogenic. These are substances and compounds that have been shown to cause cancer by affecting both cells and the DNA within cells.

Luckily, you don’t have to quit tasty fats. You just need to choose the right ones. Your two simple choices for a healthy life are:

Either you continue consuming industrially produced seed oils and margarine (in fast foods or store bought prepared meals, canned or boxed products)


you chose to consume the very best —taste and nutrition-wise— healthy fats you can find on supermarket shelves.

Which truly healthy oils do we use?

At COMFORT KETO, all our picks for plant based oils —avocado, coconut, olive — are cold pressed without any chemical processes. Also, we regularly use ghee, grass fed butter and lard in our cooking, which are all completely natural, organic, grass-fed and free of hormones and anti-biotics.

They all contain nourishing ingredients and are free of oxidants. You can enjoy them for baking, cooking and frying or simply add them in your salads.

In our line of work, we are not "allowed" to claim that nutrition can heal or reverse disease and chronic conditions, but many of our customers have powerful testimonies to help you form your own opinion on the power of food as medicine, so we will let you be the judge!

All we want to remind you is that it's your body, your choice! Eat real food!


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